Please note that 30 minute bookings (no frills) may have certain conditions with some of the escorts. Its important to note that some girls may consider that in a short 30 minute booking, there is not enough time to perform some of the more expensive services considered higher level. In a few cases girls may go as far as cancelling mid-flow, if its apparent that its becoming complicated and or full of demands. Our Oriental Escorts react pretty much the same as all other London escorts do in this regard. Why are we telling you this? well, its not to put you off but to help you understand that longer bookings generate a better interest from the escort. Your booking has a better chance of starting off on the right foot. We accept 30 minute bookings but to avoid your booking becoming soured right from the start we have added this page to help ensure in a smooth flow in operations for your booking and produce a better satisfying end result for the girl and yourselves, the client.
30 minute short bookings have the following conditions
- Most but not all escorts offer standard service, "no frills" for short bookings. These girls want at least a 1 hour to perform services such as A level.
- Reduced time changes. Meaning multiple time changes of your booking could affect the escorts willingness to see you.
- Multiple special requests and changes to the special requests may also make the escort loose interest for a 30 minute booking.
Remember if your asking for a lot then 30 minutes is usually too short to squeeze in everything you may have planned. Its worth avoiding any build up of friction between you and your Asian escort by booking a 1 hour or longer booking. A well oiled smooth booking generates a relaxing time that is a far more pleasurable end result for the both of you. Experienced clients know too well the value of good chemistry.
I hope you take my advice well in the way it was intended. With kind regards, the receptionist at AsianSelection, Asian Escorts London.
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