Hot or Not Instructions
To vote, visit a London escorts personal page and locate the Vote for.. link (half way down her page after the rates section).
This link will take you to a page where you grade your escort. Select 1 (the lowest) upto 5 (the highest). You must click the Click Submit link to register your vote or your vote will not count.
Voting Information
The Hot or Not voting system collects votes submitted by any site visitor. When you have voted, the results page appears. The results show the average collective vote results for all the escorts active on our gallery.
You may vote for all the escorts if you wish but if you want to vote for the same escort you will have to come back tomorrow. If you wish to vote your favourite escort to the top you will have to vote for her every day this week.
Clicking the refresh button 30 times will not work. Anti cheat rules are active. Not that we expect anyone to cheat because voting system is just for fun.
London Escorts
Escort - A Person who accompanies a person to a location or locations, to provide protection, support, company or companionship.
Escorts - A group of Persons who specialize in accompanying another person to a location or while visiting
locations, to provide protection, support, company or companionship.
Female escorts - An escort group consisting only of females who offer services to accompany another
person providing protection, support, company or companionship.
Gallery - A collection pictures on our site on one page. Click any picture to visit a personal page. Galleries are also categorized for ease of use.
London Escorts - Persons or group of people from London who accompanies another person to or at a
location, to provide protection, support, company or companionship.
Membership - A member has completed the membership form and is a member of this site. Benefits include discounts, features and notification when a new girl is posted on to the gallery.
Personal Page - The page created particular to the selected escort containing personal details given to us at interview. Contains name and personal information, services, availability, rates, votes and personal pictures.
Rates - (Also known as gifts or donations) what to expect as a donation when making an
appointment. the donation/rate is relative to hours required.
Vote - Place a vote on this sites Hot or Not voting system. This is a live vote and the results page shows who is the current favorite among site visitors. Anyone can vote, No membership required. Just visit your favorite escorts personal page and click the Vote 4 Me picture to place your vote. You can vote on every escort on the gallery if you wish but only 1 vote per escort.