Feedback reviews on Asian Escorts

The review is for Sisi and was verified as genuine by Asianselection, the Asian Escorts London agency.

Details of the reviewers field report.
Escort visited:
Written by author:
Thursday 17 February
In or Out-call:
Recommend Y/N:
Bayswater, London
You were punctual?
Rated escort:
Clients says:
I have seen Sisi before, but not for some time. When she met me I was taken aback because she had changed her hair and makeup from our last meeting. To her credit Sisi remembered our prior meetings and recalled some details from the past. In every way Sisi was the ultimate courtesan. She possesses quite a particular sense of humour and we laughed throughout or lovely encounter. She was very responsive to my affections, and I loved her attentions. Everything she performed was natural and our encounter flowed naturally and with smiles . At times she took the lead but was sensitive to when I wanted to clumsily forge ahead. I left her after an hour with wobbly legs and a high heart rate. Her flat is clean and well appointed with a good bathroom. I will see her again but won't leave it so long next time. She responds well, of course to respect and affection. Treat her well. She made me feel like a king.

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Date: Monday January 13, 2025

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